

Come into the TRUTH….


January 2016

Weekly Illumination: January 3rd, 2016

The Peace Dealer


Sunday – Death


You are done with a past way of life FOREVER! IT IS OVER FOR REAL! YOU KNOW WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT TOO! RIP…..The transmutation that you undergo today will only reflect the greatness you have fought hard to harness.

Monday – The Hierophant


As you have shed old behavior you will now have higher wisdom initiate you into a more advanced way of living. Be sure to respect the established authority around and be mindful of ways you can apply the knowledge gained.

Tuesday – The Hanged Man

hanged man

On this day you will actually be initiated and gain a brand new awareness of your entire life. You have time to relax and just literally chill so…

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Christianity: To be or not to be.

People may think i’m a nut head but i really don’t care. I’ve been on my spiritual quest for about five years. my journey started at religion because i was once a devote Christian. I still fight with myself daily because of the people around me. I’ve always been a keen reader and seeker of knowledge and truth, It wasn’t until i started studying with the Jehovah witnesses that i actually started understanding the bible and privately breaking down scripture meanings. Discovering that most things i had believed all my life were all lies, i was very angry trying with all my might to defend what i was told.

I mean really come on, this book is a big spell book in my eyes. I used to be one of the ones that went to church every Sunday sitting in the congregation listening to the pastor give his message using a few scriptures. I was always intrigued  on how he could take one or two scriptures and create a whole message that always seemed to touch someone. Someone always seemed to be catching the holy ghost or speaking in tongues. i just didn’t understand why every Sunday there was this big ass show. its like a concert going in a black baptist church.

Now the Jehovah witnesses do church differently which is why i switched denominations. I always tried to question the pastor when i was younger because i was confused by a lot of stuff i was reading. The bible clearly says in 1 John 4:1 to test the spirits of our leaders. some of them were not being honest, and being able to discuss the things i was learning with like minded people lead me to find out that everything about Christianity on the surface was all bullshit. Don’t get me wrong, i still read my bible because it does have useful tips to keep you grounded. i get a magical feeling when i read certain scriptures and it gives me healing. 

Like i said before, Jehovah’s children do church a little different. Everyone can speak up, you just don’t have one person standing in the pulpit telling everyone what a scripture means. Also, they use publications of real life events to break down the scriptures. They make it so you can understand just like the elders. i said before that christian leaders want you to hang on to everything they say. Just because they give a message from the top of the dome does not make it right or truth. Jehovah’s Witnesses will come to your house to study with you, but before i go praising them i stopped studying with them too. It just seemed like they were trying to recruit me or something. Then i started reading up on certain rules and protocol that these people take to handle matters within the church. It did not sit with me well so i left them too.

I learned a lot about these pagan holidays that Christians keep trying to try to tie to scripture. My thing is, why would you believe in a religion that tries to directly tie fantasy into reality? Who is this Jesus figure? According to my research, Christianity has only been around for about 2013 years but man has been on earth for about 6 million years. Its not adding up. i know for a fact that the letter J was not integrated into the English language until the 1600s, so what were they calling Jesus before?  so if Christianity only been around for 2000 years, and it started in America in 1619 the very same year the first black slaves were brought to america you tell me something, why indoctrinate people that already had beliefs?? Its a control system that’s why.


To Be Continued…



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