

Come into the TRUTH….


August 2013

when you gave your all……

every night i stare out my window wondering if I’m on the right track, then i look at the sky and i see a twinkle of a star to give me conformation. I understand that everything has a reason and a season, and oh i wish it wasn’t so hard, but it’s life. So many times, i tried and tried to change the course of my life, only to stumble humbly to the universes will. It kept telling me that i was a messenger, sent here to give messages, help people see that love, an only love bring people together.

All my life, i did not understand why i was always put around bitter hateful people. As the years went on, my relationship grew stronger with these people and through my example, they change day after day. Wondered why people were always attacking me for telling the truth. I wondered why i wasn’t like the rest, quick to deceive, betray, with ease….. then i had a dream one night that i was a great leader, and amongst my followers was every person that had ever attacked me did me wrong….

I know that one day, at the right time, i will be able to reach the masses with my compassion. Compassion for love, peace,and harmony. So many past lives i spent doing the very things that people did to me, so i understood eventually why my path was being laid out in front of me this way. So today, i urge everyone to reflect on their life, figure out where your going wrong and fix it, the time is now!

Black Halo! The wait is over!!!!!!!

Thus is a artist that  i have fallen in love with! At first i was septical about her position in music, but from listening to her growh over about 2 years i see now that real musi has to come back! When are people gonna get tired of that cracker jak box music??? i’m just saying!!! this chick writes real music bout real life! no fronting no stunting all real music! so stop and press play! you won’t regret it! and this is really wha you need in your life!!!!!

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