While listening to the words of this song, it healed my soul. You see i had a problem with letting go. I couldn’t let go of my past….. I don’t know why somebody would want to hold on to the past though, and that’s why i had to let go. I had to let go because i couldn’t continue to let my past define my future. by the way, this song is by a woman from fort lauderdale…. yeah i love me some Florida. Anyways the point is……

I love hard and i always get my feelings hurt. I always care about people who really don’t care about me. I always would let people do stuff to me and act like it was cool because i just wanted someone around me. I wanted everybody to like me. No matter if they were bad people it just didn’t matter. Now I’ve had some time to be all alone with my thoughts and i realize that everything I’ve been through was meant for me. I realize this because i let all that bullshit go. It’s time for me to elevate to the next level in my life and in my spirit. All the things i been through set me up for this next level. All the hurt, all the pain…. it was meant to help…..

Where I’m trying to go i had to be prepared for. there’s a lot more that i have to face… Not only for me, but for my people…. You see i been running from my calling a few years now. I am a revolutionary and my purpose here is to see through the bullshit and help liberate my people. In order to do that, i had to face all my bullshit…. all my darkness, all my trials.. my truth, and accept it. for what it was. i had to realize that attachment is the most dangerous thing on earth for people. That’s because change is constant. The saying, i came in this world by myself  and i die by myself is so true. It holds more weight for me in my life then the average Joe knows…. so come with me on my journey…..

stay tuned.

The maverick..