
Dear God,

This little girl is looking for your guidance, so please guide her footsteps. All of her life, facing so much strife. Bullied, ignored, abandoned but she still persevered. As a 28 year old woman i wonder everyday why i am going down the road i am. I always kept you close. Even though my parents never really encouraged it. I always had a faith and i still do now. Sometimes i look and the mirror and wonder how i have gotten so far away from you? A child that always found a way to be near you, for no apparent reason, but sometimes i feel as though you have left me. Why must my road be so hard? You know my story…. Mother abandoned me at eight, my father was never even present. Before you get mad, i know you placed a loving father in my life. He took care of me to the fullest. I don’t dispute that… Why did the secret come out in the way that it did? You know it was down hill and straight rebellion from there….

Lord I know you are with me because i went through so much alone and you always kept me safe. I just want you back in my guidance. I just want you to make me pray harder, get back to you with all of my heart, mind and soul. I keep running from whatever your calling is on my life. Its the biggest maze of my life but i just can’t seem to get started. I know you have a calling on my life or you wouldn’t have gave me such a testimony… just point me in the direction you want me to go. i’m listening and i’m ready.

Lord i ask you to take everything that is holding me back in my life, out my life. I desperately need a new beginning because i get discouraged daily. it seems every time i take two steps forward i get knocked back 4. why is that? Am i forgetting a lesson? i just need to know and i pray that you signify it for me.
